We have around 45 interest Groups on offer, Sociable, Intellectual, Physical, Educational and all of them enjoyable. If you would like information about any particular Group then please click the group name below to show basic information and Group Leaders name. To contact the Leader of any Group click here to email the Group Co-ordinator for information on vacancies. Scroll down the page for a weekly timetable of activities. Do you have an interest for which we do not have a Group? Why not start one? Running a Group is rewarding and fun. Our Groups Co-ordinator will be pleased to assist.
Some of our Groups are full, for a list of Groups with Vacancies CLICK HERE
Timetable Summary
Monday | Cookery for Men | Antiques & Collectables, Creative Writing, Snooker,Theatre & Cinema, Bourne Local History |
Tuesday | Drawing & Painting, Reading, Science & Technology, Wayfarers Walking | Garden, Handicrafts, Kurling, Snooker, Table Tennis |
Wednesday | Art History, Play Reading | Creative Writing, Drama Workshop, Nosh & Natter, Photography, Railway, Singing for Pleasure, Supper, Table Tennis, Ten Pin Bowling |
Thursday | Anytime Out, Church Visiting, Discussion, Green Bowls | Art, Aviation History, Dining, French Intermediate, Lunch Wkly, Snooker |
Friday | Birdwatching & Natural History, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Friday Striders, Litter Picking, Poetry, Reading | Table Tennis, Wine Appreciation |
Sunday | Lunch |