Leader – Marjorie Wright
2nd & 4th Wednesday in the afternoon – 14.00 – 15.30
at Methodist Church Hall, Bourne.
If you enjoy singing, we would love you to join us. We are a small group who meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 2pm in the Methodist Church Hall in Bourne. We sing for pleasure, so no auditions required and all abilities very welcome. We sing a variety of songs either with a karaoke machine, discs or an accompanying pianist. Just come along on any of the afternoons and you will be assured a very warm welcome, or if you would like more information our leader Marjorie Wright (01778 422252) would be more than happy to chat with you.
The Singing For Pleasure group would really love a permanent musician who could accompany us at our meetings. We are a small enthusiastic group of singers and you would be made most welcome. If you feel you would like this challenge and to help us develop this lovely group, please pop in on one of our afternoon or contact Marjorie Wright (01778 422252) if you would like to know a little more.